Monday, April 7, 2008

Cooking Lobster

Lobsters are one of the most delicious foods and are considered as a luxury by some. They are healthy and low in fat. Unfortunately, they taste better when cooked alive and thus cooking lobsters, for some people, can really be a difficult task what with boiling or cutting them when still alive. However, certain specific cooking methods need to be followed to speed up the killing process.

For boiling lobsters, a large pot full of rolling boiling water needs to be added with salt and lemon juice. For a 12 to 14 quarter pot, the water level needs to be at least 6 inches high. Once the water is at full boil, the lobster has to be dropped head first inside the pot. In case of trying the reverse, the lobster might crawl back out of the pot. For a lobster weighing 1 lb, the ideal cooking time would be 12 minutes whereas for a 1.5 lb lobster the time would be 15-18 minutes. A 2 lb lobster needs about 22 minutes for proper cooking. The boiled lobsters can be removed from the water once the shells are bright red and then can be served with melted butter. Lobsters get overcooked very quickly and to avoid this, they need to be taken out as soon as the time is up and placed on grocery bags or paper towels for draining.

For steaming lobsters, they need to be placed inside the pot, along with something with holes at the bottom of the pot, so that the lobsters are never able to sit in the water. A 10-quarter pot might need an inch of water added with salt. While lobsters under 2 lbs require 10-12 minutes of cooking, 15-20 minutes would be needed for those over 2 lbs.

Live lobsters may not be ideal for broiling. Individuals can kill them by stabbing them through the ?T? mark on their head, appearing right behind the eyes. A sharp knife is essential to cut through the center of the shell followed by cracking the shell and prying the sucker open by hands. Claws can also be cracked but not removed. For broiling, the lobsters are brushed with melted butter and placed on a preheated pan or broiler with the shell side down until they are heated through.

Lobster provides detailed information on Lobster, Lobster Tails, Lobster Recipes, Maine Lobster and more. Lobster is affiliated with Salmon Fishing.

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